Widepan Pro II - The Panoramic Monster


„What the f…?“ is the most common reaction of people I know. People I don`t know start to lapse in an everlasting gaze when they see this kind of monster. Sometimes I was asked if I am some kind of topographer and when you tell people that this is „just“ a camera follows the everlasting gaze again.

This two and a half kilo thing has a focusable 50mm lens which swings from left to right and covers 140 degrees. You can choose apertures settings from 3.8 till 22, shutter speeds are 1/250, 1/60 and ½ second. Day or night, feel free to shoot when ever you want to. There is a multi-exposure button as well, which allows you to shoot on one frame as often as you want to. It gobbles 120`s, 220`s and with adapter kit even 35mm, the loot will be small, but the results are amazing. A 120 will give you six, a 220 twelve and a 35mm ten nice pictures. If you use slide, negative, b&w or even IR is up to you.

So why the Widepan Pro II? It`s heavy, big and definitely not as handy as a Horizon is. But the results are amazing, brilliant shots, panoramas in medium format you can boost up to wallpapers. I`ll never regret choosing this camera because of the diversity of possibilities it opens to me.

written by lomodirk on 2008-11-12 in #gear #medium-format #120 #35mm #review #panorama #panoramic #pro #220 #horizon #widepan #ii

15 個留言

  1. graefin
    graefin ·

    AMAZING! WOW! The pictures are great and the camera is definitely a dream

  2. wil6ka
    wil6ka ·

    you´ve got the touch!

  3. eazy360
    eazy360 ·

    Beautiful monster

  4. soer
    soer ·

    wow thats sick! but 1000 euro oh man...

  5. larslau
    larslau ·

    Very nice job Dirk... The pictures are gorgeous. I'm still really interested in buying one...

  6. camerao
    camerao ·

    a great machine & a great job

  7. gemma81de
    gemma81de ·

    Amazing gallery and camera!

  8. lomodirk
    lomodirk ·

    Thanx ;)

  9. maddyoulook
    maddyoulook ·

    i can feel my mind stretching!

  10. kylewis
    kylewis ·

    Beautiful images great review!

  11. grenoouille
    grenoouille ·

    Totally mad machine! And your pics are incredible!

  12. lomodirk
    lomodirk ·

    Thanx again, I`m very pleased :)

  13. annite
    annite ·

    cool shots!

    especially when i'm in it :P

  14. ukaaa
    ukaaa ·

    Wow, great shots there!

  15. buckshot
    buckshot ·

    Impressive beast!
