GODDESS MOTHER ♡ ©Roxy Beat The magical authority of the feminine, wisdom and spiritual elevation that transcends the limits of the intellect; what is benevolent, protective, tolerant; what promotes growth, fecundity, nutrition; the places of magical transformation, of rebirth; the instinct or the helpful impulse; what is secret, occult, dark; the abyss, the world of the dead; what devours, seduces, intoxicates; what generates anguish, the ineluctable " #mutationmxg #tjejland #floatphotomagazine #eyesopentalent #filmshooters #thefilmcollectives #roxybeat #roxybeatphoto #analog #analogphoto #analoguepeople #shootitwithfilm #makemeseemag #unvaeled #filmisnotdead #filmphoto #filmphotography #shootfilm #filmphotomag #theanalogclub #fisheyelemag #ifyouleave #analoguepeople #filmwave #makemeseemag #back2thebase #indiependentmag #fotoroom #analogfeatures #odtakeovers #sheshootsfilm #shootitwithfilm #uncertainmag

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