Taylor street Reprise

I like shooting the same place over and over; becoming familiar with the area, the lights, and the scenes. This particular time that I reprise Taylor street, I used an extremely rare Imation Scotch Chrome 400 ISO expired in 1999 and sacrifice my LC-A:( It was nearly 0 °F (-18 °C) and my hand were freezing along with the camera battery and the delicate mechanics of the LC-A. I finish the roll of film as quickly as possible; a blur there a blur here. I don't care what's on the film, I just want to be warm. The resulting photographs convey a certain urgency while maintaining my usual style. The LC-A died shortly after this shoot in the cold :( She now awaits surgery for a faulty shutter.

3 個留言

  1. analogdisplay
    analogdisplay ·

    Nice album there! One feels the urgence of your situation. I'm sorry for your LC-A..

  2. marcus_loves_film
    marcus_loves_film ·

    @analogdisplay Great news! After several failed repair attempts my LC-A it's now working! I had to transplant the electronics from another lc-a. Intense stuff but worth it.

  3. analogdisplay
    analogdisplay ·

    @marcus_loves_film Nice job, I don't know if I could have done that myself!

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