
the Dinosaur from Lido delle Nazioni

5 個留言

  1. steamtug1959
    steamtug1959 ·

    "Lidosauro" a tutti Volontari Bulldozer,
    Amici di tante Racolte...
    Sognatori senzaTempo...
    Amanti spregiudicati
    del pulito Ambiente
    Enrico Menegatti
    unito dal Fratello Andrea ..dedica!

  2. steamtug1959
    steamtug1959 ·

    Dedication written on the big Stone:
    "Lidosauro" to all Bulldozer Volunteers,
    Friends of many Actions to clean up Waste...
    Timeless dreamers...
    Lovers for clean Nature without Limits.
    Enrico Menegatti & Brother Andrea.

  3. roaringtree
    roaringtree ·

    Wonderful dedication and fine sculpture!

  4. steamtug1959
    steamtug1959 ·

    @roaringtree by the way, the Sculpture is Driftwood that floats onto the Beaches during Storms. This Wood is also used to build Huts on the “wild Beach”. behind the Beach of "Lidosaurus" is a Nature Reserve. We get up at dawn to walk on the Beach with our two Dogs and often see lots of deer (you can see them in this album too..).
    Kind Regards Ralph

  5. steamtug1959
    steamtug1959 ·

    Lidosauro, the Dinosaur from Lido delle Nazioni

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